The Roman Catholic Church in Uganda on Sunday celebrated her 134 years since its establishment in the country by two Catolic Missionaries.
On their coming to Uganda, Father Laudel and Brother Amans settled at Entebbe and set up the very first Catholic Church at Kigungu from where they spread to other areas of the country.
The celebrations were presided over by Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala and were attended by Archbishop of Kampala Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga.
Bishop Kakooza, Cardinal Wamala and Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwnaga at the celebrations to mark 134 years of the Catholic Church in Uganda at Kigungu. |
Cardinal Wamala also hailed Pope Benedict XVI who announced that he would be resigning on February 28 this year. He said he wrote after receiving an official letter from Rome informing him that the pope he took part in electing in 1995 had announced his resignation at the end of this month.
“Although the news was shocking and, to some people, it was their first time to learn that even a pope could resign, the Catholic Constitution allows him to resign if he feels that he cannot any longer perform his duties as expected,”Said Cardinal Wamala.
He urged all christians to pray for the retiring Pope and also ask God to give wisdom to the Cardinals who will take part in the election of Benedict's successor come next month.
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