The Ministry of Education and Sports has listed a number of Primary and Secondary Schools that it plans to de-register due to their failure to abide the terms and conditions of operation as were provided to them by the Ministry.
Top of this is the failure by the said Schools to conduct a census in the year 2012. The census according to the Ministry is to help them improve on the quality of Education, accessibility, relevance and help the Ministry plan for the sector in order to close the gaps in the Sector.
According to the Ministry, the census requires schools to submit particulars about students, teaching and non-teaching staff, infrastructure, sanitation, teaching materials and learner's HIV/AIDS statuses.
Below is the list of some of the Schools that will face De-registration.
Top of this is the failure by the said Schools to conduct a census in the year 2012. The census according to the Ministry is to help them improve on the quality of Education, accessibility, relevance and help the Ministry plan for the sector in order to close the gaps in the Sector.
According to the Ministry, the census requires schools to submit particulars about students, teaching and non-teaching staff, infrastructure, sanitation, teaching materials and learner's HIV/AIDS statuses.
Below is the list of some of the Schools that will face De-registration.
Aboke High SS
Adjumani High School
Adyaka Girls SS
Africana College School
Africana Vision College
Agape Christian HS
Agape Girls SS
Agasovu SS
Agojo SS
Airstrip SS
Ajia Girls SS
Akadot Comprehensive School
Al-Haramain Education Centre
Al-hilal Islamic SS
Aliba wiria
All Saints SS
All Saints SS Ociba
Alliance Academy
Alliance College School
Alliance Integrated Academy
Alliance SS
Alliance Victory
Alliance Vocational Secondary School
Allied Progressive College
Amuca Quran Primary School
Amuca SDA SS
Amugo Quran PS
Amuru SS
Anyafio role model SS
Apac High School
Arua College of readings
Arua Comprehensive School
Arua Intergrated SS
Arua Town Girls College
Arua Urban SS
Atoroma Progressive SS
Ave Hill SS
Babba Parents SS
Benet SS
Bexhill H School
Bishop Asili Memorial College Ayer
Bishop Maraka College
Bishop Zebadee College
Bright Academy
Bright Academy High School
Bright Angels SS Kadama
Bright Blessed College
Bright Light Academy
Brilliant High School
Budaka Progressive HS
Bugerere Sacred College
Bugerere Vocation SS
Bugimotwa Highland SS
Bugiri Progressive
Bukalasa Seminary
Bukamba Nile SS
Bukimbiri Kateretere SS
Bukomero Parents SS
Bukonda SS
Bulanga HS
Bullege Comprehensive SS
Bulongo Intergrated College
Buluguyi SS
Bulumba Academy and Vov. College
Bumbo Progressive SS
Bunagana Pride SS
Bunyiny SS
Burora SS
Buruka SS and Vocation School
Busana Modern Academy
Busoga Comprehensive College-Luuka
Busowa Prime SS
Butema SS
Butiti Modern SS
Butunduzi SS
Butumba SS
Buwangala College
Buwuni College
Bwera High School
Bwindi Progressive
Byanamira Parents SS
Caltek College -Atutur
Caritas SS
Celak Vocation College
Centenary SSS
Central SS
Centre for International Careers
Charity College
Charity College -Arua
Chema SS
Chemwom SS
Christ the King College
Christ the King SS
Cilio SS
Citizens High School
Citizens Standard Academy
City Academy
City Standard Academy
Crane SS
Danstar SS
Dara Christian High School
Divine Pilgrims College
Dzaipi High School
East African SS
Eastern Intergrated SS
Ebenezer High School
Eden High School- Lyakirema
Emmanuel SS
Excel College
Galiraya Parents SS
Gamatui Progressive School
Gava Memorial SS
Gayaza Public SS
Global High School
Global Skills College
Glory SS- Busiriba
Good Hope SSS
Good Will United College
Graduate High and Voc. School
Green Eagles-Kitwe
Green Hill Academy
Green Vine College School
Greenland Academy
Greenland Sec. School
Green light College School
Greenville College
Highlight SS
High Standard Academy
Hill side SS
Hima Public P. School
Hima Hill SS
Ibrahim Mariam SS
Imperial High School
Imvepi self-help SS
Jordan H School
Kabalega Progressive College
Kabarole Hillside High School
Kabowa Islamic Institute
Kabowa SS
Kabubwa SS
Kabuga Foundation H School
Kagadi Alliance SS
Kagadi Brain Trust H. School
Kagadi Intergrated SS
Kagadi Modern SS
Kaihura Parents SS
Kaju Secondary School
Kakumiro Central SS
Kakungulu Memorial School
Kaliro Town SS
Kamahanga Research Centre
Kamonkoli Parents SS
Kamonkoli Progressive SS
Kamonkoli SS
Kampala College School
Kampala Comprehensive H. School
Kampala Standard College
Kampala Students Center
Kamwenge Modern SS
Kangulumira Islamic
Kantobo SS
Kanyantoroogo SS
Kapchesombe SS
Kapchorwa H. School
Kaproron SS
Kaptoyoy H. School
Kasambya SS
Kasanga Adult Education Center
Kasasa Progressive
Kasasa St Charles
Kasenyi Progressive SS
Kaserem H. School
Kasese College School
Kasese Moslem SS
Kasese Progressive
Kasubi High School
Kasubi Mixed School
Kasunga High School
Katakwi Technical School
Kateera Trust SS
Katira Parents SS
Katwe Noor SS
Kavule SS
Kawaala High School
Kawempe College School
Kawempe Mixed School
Kawempe Muslim Girls SS
Kawempe Standard School
Kawowo SS
Kayunga Standard High School
Kayunga Light College
Kazinga Community College
Kazinga High School
Kazo Hill College School
Kibaale Academy
Kiboga Brain Trust SS
Kiboga SS
Kiboga Voc. School
Kibuli Girls SS
Kibuli High School
Kigando St. Josephs
Kihanda SS
Kihembe SS
Kihungu Voc. School
Kihyo SS
Kikaaya SS
Kikonyogo SS
Kikumiro Parents
Kikwaya B.T.A.SS
Kimanto Comprehensive
Kinawataka SSS
King Stone High School
Kings High School
Kings Way SS
Kingu Academy
Kings and Queens College
Kiryanjagi Voc. SS
Kisiita Students Centre
Kisinga Adult Education Centre
Kisinga Students Centre
Kisoro Millenium College
Kisoro Model SS
Kitabo College
Kitaihuka SS
Kitgum Central
Kithende College
Kitholhu Parents SS
Kiti SSS
Kitgum Girls SS
Kitgum Vision College
Kitwe SS
Kitwe Christian H. School
Kiwoomya SS
Kiyunga Progressive Academy
Koboga Royal College
Koboko Girls SS
Koboko Public SS
Kubala SS
Kuluba SS
Kumi Daystar SSS
Kumi H. School
Kumi Progressive SS
Kween Progressive H. School
Kyabarungira Voc. School
Kyakatwire Parents
Kyakonye SS
Kyanamuyonjo Noor SS
Kyanvuma Light Voc. School
Kyaterekera Progressive SS
Kyebando Intergrated SS
Kyebanja SS
Kyenzige Parents SS
Kyerima Progressive SS
Kyosimba Onaanya Vocation School
Lacor Seminary
Lawrence High School
Light College Kinaba
Light Progressive College- Nsambya
Lira Charity College
Lira Intergrated School
Lira Progressive SS
Loa SS
London Image College
Lukaya SS
Luuka SS
Luuka Star College
Luuka Academy- Bukoova
Lwamat High Standard
Lwamata Central SS
Lwamata High School
Lwemba SS
Maberenga SS
Mabowa High School
Madrasat SS
Makiro Hill Girls Voc. School
Makondo SS
Maligita High School
Malongo Baptist H. School
Manchester SS
Margarita peak High School
Mayuge High School
Mayuge Dynamic Academy
Mbirizi High School
Midland Voc. High School
Migina SS
Millenium Alliance SS
Millenium College- Nansololo
Mirembe Bright Hill
Mirembe SS
Mitembo SS
Modern SS- Mbirizi
Mpamba SS
Mt. Rwenzori Alliance
Mountains of the Moon Voc. School
Mubuku valley SS
Mugema SS
Muhumure High School
Mukirania Light SS
Mukisa College
Munkunyu Vocation SS
Munsa Hilltop SS
Musiitwa SS
Muteesa 1 Memorial SS
Muwanga St. Lawrence
Mwitanzige High School
NHECI- Gayaza
Nabiswa SS
Nakyesa SS
Namabaale Voc. School
Namayemba Parents School
Nankoma High School
Nawakoke Light SS
Nawansenga H. School
Nazareth High School
Nazigo Islamic Institute
Nazigo SS
Nazigo Town SS
Ndihoya SS
New Styles SS
Ngaraim Parents SS
Ngasire High School
Ngoma Standard School
Ngoma Vocation
Nile High School- Kayunga
Nile International School
Nkaakwa SS
Nkondo SS
Nkooko SS
Nkungu SS
Nongo Voc. SS
Northern High School
Nteyera High School
Ntonwa SS
Ntunda High School
Ntunga Modern SS
Nyabushozi parents
Nyakashara Modern
Nyakashara SS
Nyamirama Universal SS
Nyanga High School
Nyankwanzi Community
Nyarilo SS
Obia Hill SS
Odupi Progressive Academy
Okae Memorial SS
Oligo SS
Ombaci Self-help SS
Omega Comprehensive High School
Opejo SS
Orowobushobozi Bisaka SS
Our Lady Sec.School
Outspan College- Nakakonge
Oxford College
Pakele Vocational SS
Palabek Girls Comprehensive SS
Palebek SS
Palong Community Based SS
Paptum SS
Perry Hill High School
Piswa Progressive Academy
Premier High School
Prince College School
Progressive Academy
Progressive H. School- Kayunga
Progressive SS
Progressive Buhumuliro SS
Queens Comprehensive College
Quiver SS
Raamu Memorial College
Rainbow High School
Reliance SS
Rhino Academy
Rigbo SS
Rippons Academy
Rock View High School- Nangalama
Rona College School
Royal Academy
Royal Mission SS
Royal Parents High School
Royal Rangers Voc. SS
Rukooki Hill College
Rukunyu SS
Rushere SS
Ruteete Voc. SS
Rwamukoora Progressive SS
Rwenzori Pride Academy
Rwenzori Pride Voc. School
Saad Islamic Institute
Safina Comprehensive
Saunna High School
Savannah SS
Savior’s SS
Savour High School
Sebel High School
Seeta Anyiize SS
Silver Heroes SS
Simba Kings College
Snow view College- Bikone
Solidarity High School
Sosiani SS
Spring College
Springdales SS
Ssezibwa SS
Ssingo SS
Ssukka Islamic Centre
St. Aloysius Bwanda SS
St. Bernard’s College- Kiswera
St. Benedict SS- Mukono
St. Edwards Comprehensive SS
St. Francis College- Ndeeba
St. Francis High School
St. Gonzaga SS
St Henry High School
St. James- Bukeeka
St. James- Kalugulu
St. John Apollo SS
St. John- Bugonyoka
St. John’s- Busaale
St. Joseph’s- Nkoni
St. Jude College
St. Jude High School
St. Jude SS- Lukerere
St. Jude SSS
St. Lawrence High School
St. Lawrence- Buvulunguti
St. Leo’s Vocational SS
St. Mary’s SS- Kigo
St. Paul College- Nakabaale
St. Peter’s College- Mukole
St. Ponsiano- Ngondwe
St. Stephen’s High School
St. Stevenson SS
St. Stephen’s College- Kiryanga
St. Andrew SS- Katoke
St. Andrews Kaggwa and Daniel- Kasubi
St. Augustine Leaders’ College
St. Augustine- Nyabisusi
St. Benedict SS
St. Francis Modern SS
St. Gonzaga SS
St. Gonzaga- Kitamba Voc.
St. John SSS
St. Joseph’s Centenary SS
St. Jude’s College
St. Kizito SS- Kabowa
St. Klever College
St. Lawrence SS
St. Lawrence Vocational School
St. Leo’s- Kitabo
St. Margaret SS
St. Mark SS- Kiwangula
St. Martin’s College- Lungujja
St. Martin’s College SS
St. Mary’s Kakayo
St. Mary’s College- Riki
St. Mary’s Seminary
St. Mbaga’s Vocational SS- Nyondo
St. Mbuga Vocational SS
St. Michael SS- Wera
St. Michaels Oramacaku SS
St. Paul High School
St. Paul- Mpererwe
St. Peter High School
St. Peter Modern College
St. Peter’s Girls SS
St. Peter’s Kasoga SS
St. Peter’s- Kicucura
St. Philip Ngariam SS
St. Simon SS
St. Stephen SS
St. Stephen’s College- Kabowa
St. Steven High School
St. Theresa Vocational School
St. James SS
St. Peter’s Vocational School
Standard Academy SS
Star Advanced College
Starlight SS
Strive Academy
St. Peter and Paul Pokes Seminary
Summit College
Summit College- Lwamata
Sunrise Comprehensive SS
Sunrise High School
Sure Public SS
Sure SS
Taibah High School
Talents School- Mukono
The Caproorn High
The Nile College
The Olive SS
Tirinyi Academy
Tirinyi High School
Tirinyi Modern S School
Tirinyi Parents
Toswo SS
Town Send High School
Town View SS
Trinity College
Trinity High School
Trinity SS- Namungoona
Tulwo SS
Uganda Martyrs- Kayunga
Uganda Martyrs High School
Ukusijoni SS
Unique High School
United High School
Kyetume SS
Universal Girls SS
Uphill College- Mbuya
Uplands High School
Usuk High School
Vienna College
Verona Secondary School
Victor Hill School
Victoria College SS
Victoria High School
Victory High School
Vienna High School
Villa Maria SS
Vision College- Olevu
Vocational SS- Kasawa
Wakiso High School
Wandegeya SS
Wera Technical School
West Nile SS
Western Savanah College
White Angels High School
Wii Gweng High School
Wiria Secondary School
Words Worth SS
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