The Uganda Police section of road safety and traffic has issued very tough rules that are to strictly be adhered to by all road users with auto mobile and failure to follow the rules will fetch a penalty.
Among the rules, one is not to pick of make a phone call while driving or even block the road because they are answering a phone call. Driving without a valid driver's license fetches a shs.100,000 fine
In the new statutory instrument issued by the Minister of Transport and Works, traffic offenders given Express Penalty Scheme tickets but fail to pay within 28 days will pay a surcharge of 50 per cent to Uganda Revenue Authority.
In the new regulations, drunk-drivers will be fined Shs.200,000 but police said the fine does not rule out detention for up to 12 hours until the driver is sober.
Below is the list of offenses and their respective penalties;
Driving an uninsured vehicle Shs 40,000
Car with obscure registration numbers Shs 40,000 Driving without a valid permit Shs 100,000
Driving without a valid permit Shs 100,000
Using a goods vehicle in dangerous manner Shs 200,000
Carrying passengers when not licensed Shs 100,000
Using vehicle in a bad mechanical condition Shs 60,000
Driving under the influence of alcohol Shs 200,000
Careless or inconsiderate driving Shs 100,000
Driving in excess speed Shs 200,000
Denying right of way to authorised vehicles Shs 100,000
Failing to stop at a railway crossing Shs 40,000
Carrying more than one on motorcycle Shs 100,000
Obstructing a road or waiting Shs 100,000
Riding motorcycle without a valid permit Shs 40,000
Riding motorcycle without a crash helmet Shs 40,000
Driver not wearing a safety belt Shs 80,000
Passenger not wearing a safety belt Shs 20,000
Using a mobile phone while driving Shs 100,000
Use of a vehicle without reflectors Shs 100,000
Driving a passenger service vehicle (PSV) without a badge Shs 200,000
Instructing driving learners without a valid certificate Shs 200,000
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